Nowadays, there is immense competition in web hosting services market. There are several hosting service providers offering exciting web hosting packages. To reap the immense business opportunity in web hosting market OMS Hosting offers faster and more reliable web hosting services.
OMS Hosting is a subsidiary of OM Software Internet Solutions Private Limited. OM Software has been a trusted name in providing cutting edge software and web application development services. They are better known for the quality and timeliness involved with their every assignment. OMS Hosting is continuing the legacy of OM Software by delivering hosting services complying global standards.
With state-of-the-art web server located at one of the most secured data centers in the world, OMS Hosting aims to provide blazing fast services. The performance of websites hosted on the OMS Hosting’s web server, is far better than other service providers. Even the reliability of hosting services offered by OMS Hosting is beyond comparison. The company offers maximum uptime and presents a secure environment for online transactions.
To know more about OMS Hosting or it’s several web hosting packages, people can visit their website at
Selection of e-Commerce hosting provider is a crucial task. The possible risk factors associated with an e-Commerce hosting is availability, performance, security, and flexibility. No matter the hosted/to be hosted e-Commerce website is small, medium or large; these factors are always there.
This article will discuss requirements of a web server against following important risk factors. These are very important for e-Commerce hosting.
An e-Commerce website is supposed to provide seamless services to customers. The website will more like lose its customers or important traffic, if the website is not available at any point of time due to scheduled maintenance or other faults. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the availability of website round the clock.
Most of the hosting service providers claim 99.9% uptime of their servers. However, it is very important to confirm the truth behind their promises. There are several online tools available to check the uptime of a website. They present detailed reports of website’s uptime with response timings.
The web server hosting e-Commerce website should have excellent configuration to delivered expected performance even during the peak timings. The real performance test of an e-Commerce website happens during special occasions when the website is offering huge discounts and other promotional offers, like on Halloween, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve. If the website’s response time doesn’t change and it keeps delivering requested pages properly then the web server is surely delivering excellent performance.
E-Commerce websites are supposed to secure the critical personal information of customers. Therefore, the server offering e-Commerce hosting should offer high level of security. Valid SSL certificates, advanced firewalls and anti-phishing applications are necessity for web servers offering e-Commerce hosting.
The requirements of every e-Commerce website vary along with the time. Day by day user loads and number of products increase and the website needs more server resources in order to perform well. Hosting service provider should offer flexibility in services so that the hosting package can be upgraded at any point of time.
The server offering all above features are ideal for hosting e-Commerce websites. Prior to hosting a website it should be checked properly. In case of existing websites, people need to switchover to another hosting provider for better services.
OM Hosting offers a wide selection of web hosting plans for every budget. The company is dedicated to providing value-added and best web hosting services. They offer windows and Linux hosting packages for varied business requirements.